What, it’s February?… um… March? Oooops…

Wow, I think I’ve been abducted by aliens. They just put me back and ALL THIS TIME HAS PASSED! I’ve had a lot of cool things happen but right now I CAN’T REMEMBER any of them! That’s why I know it’s definitely aliens. The first thing I see they’ve done is hide all my widget […]

Image attribution…

Have you ever been browsing the web, news, and seen a really cool image? And then held your finger on it long enough for the “save image” to come up on your device? I do it all the time. But sometimes I look back on my photo stream and think “Where did I get that? […]

Please send chocolate… Social Media Update…

So, here is my social media update… which I confess I’m still swimming (read: drowning… ) in. This week, apart from tackling this blogging thing, I’ve also tried to wrestle both Facebook and Instagram to the ground. Which is saying something, because I’ve never taken to the idea of stalking school friends via FB… Until […]

A wealth of information

I’m viewing social media in a different light now. I know I’m at least 10 years too late, and that the internet is highly populated with blogs on topics I couldn’t imagine… but for me its all new. I’m on a lot of quilting email lists and have been an avid consumer of all things […]

please help me, I barely know what a blog is…

I’ve been crashing though the internet trying to learn. I thought I might run some kind of quilting business… and it quickly became apparent that NOBODY runs a business these days without some kind of Social Media. And I have none… no FB, no Pinterest, nothing. Not only that, I’m very dense about how the […]