
Please send chocolate… Social Media Update…

I promise not to post any more ugly photos like this…
So, here is my social media update… which I confess I’m still swimming (read: drowning… ) in. This week, apart from tackling this blogging thing, I’ve also tried to wrestle both Facebook and Instagram to the ground. Which is saying something, because I’ve never taken to the idea of stalking school friends via FB… Until I got FB, that is. First I experienced total alarm at all the people it knows that I know… (is that you, Big Brother?) than I fought the urge to stick chewing gum over my computer eye… considered typing with the lid on my laptop shut (not helpful) then resigned myself to living in the modern age. But what I LOVE about FB are the groups that are specific to my interests, like the Gammill Group, ect…
learning to crosspost… from IG to FB…
Then came Instagram, which I found a little simpler to use, and much prettier to look at! I’m thrilled and amazed at the creativity of quilters I follow. But who would think you have to run IG from your mobile phone? I guess the name is a tip off… not everyone carries a laptop along these days. Then came the question of how to watermark photos for IG? Because I want to watermark my photos. I found an app called iWatermark which works on mobile about as efficiently as Photobulk does on my laptop.

BUT – The biggest help I’ve had BY FAR this week, is a fabulous gal from Australia, who runs an awesome business called Said With Love. She has kindly shared some ins an outs (and more than a few laughs). She’s a quilter, runs retreats, and builds websites. You can find her at Said With Love Visit her site, it’s luscious. If I was closer I’d be in that retreat barn all day! (Imagine a fabulous looking barn picture here…) It looks like such a peaceful place to go and sew, and I love the aesthetic she has going on her patterns. I can’t thank you enough, Said With Love, you’ve made my week!

A big eight armed hug… xxxxxxx

Um, how do I make these pictures bigger? Changing the size in the code isn’t working this week…

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